
Application Guidance

In addition to thoroughly reading through this FAQ section, the following resources can provide a perspective on what to consider when writing your application :

Techstars Entrepreneur’s Toolkit 

Forbes Business Plan Template for Entrepreneurs

Google for Startups

YCombinator’s Startup Library

Strong applications will clearly articulate the following elements of their venture:

  • Problem and Solution: Have you identified an important and unmet need, paired with a compelling solution that addresses the problem? What insight can you provide for where the world is heading, and through your concept or venture, in what ways might you be moving in another direction that represents a better* future for more people? (*easier, more sustainable, faster, etc.) For some prizes, this includes a clear description of the minimum viable product or working prototype.
  • Addressable market and distinctive market position: What is your addressable market, and how big is it? How are you poised to serve this audience (and compete with other businesses)?
  • Business Model and Customer Acquisition: What is the plan to acquire new customers or users, distribute the product or service, and generate revenue. What are the current metrics on month-to-month growth and traction (if pre-growth, what is your plan to measure and scale the business)?
  • Quality of Team: Who is helping you build your vision? What makes them a dedicated and creative founding team with the experience or skill-sets to succeed?

A Minimum Viable Product, as defined by Eric Reis (the author of Lean Startup), is a version of a new product or service (e.g., product design/sketch, wireframe, demo video, landing page) that will allow your team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.

If you are applying for a prize that requires an MVP, we encourage you to visit the following resources:

Video Resources

Listen in to hear from winners of the 2023 and 2022 Black Ambition Prize Competition regarding application development strategies followed by Q&A.
Calling all HBCU students & recent alumni – Get your questions about the Black Ambition Prize competition answered directly from 2022 HBCU Prize Winners. Speakers include @itsjasminelynn_ founder of @nestingnannies, Zachary Gilchrist founder of @themove.app, Emanuel Perez founder of @Novus, and @Antonio Pullen founder of @Dinkin’ and Bangin’
Curious about the road to winning the Black Ambition Prize? Join us on Thursday 4/6 at 3pm EST for a live, virtual Q&A style event with winners from the 2022 Prize Competition – @_barbarajacques founder @shopjacqs, Chantel Powell founder of @playpits, Erdina Francillon founder of @pressynow, and Justin Turk, CEO of Livegistics. We’ll discuss the application, Demo Day, resources, and more.
This workshop will provide an overview of the 2023 Black Ambition Prize competition and curated support services as well as answer questions from prospective applicants in the Black Ambition Prize track about the application process and eligibility criteria. This discussion will be recorded and posted on the Black Ambition website.
This workshop will provide an overview of the 2023 Black Ambition HBCU Prize competition and curated support services as well as answer questions from prospective applicants in the Black HBCU Prize track about the application process and eligibility criteria. This discussion will be recorded and posted on the Black Ambition website.
Join us in watching the 2021 Black Ambition Prize Winners share their tips, experiences, and accomplishments after less than one year of winning the prize.
Watch this webinar to learn more about the Black Ambition Prize, eligibility criteria, and to hear answers to frequently asked questions.
This workshop will provide an overview of the 2022 Black Ambition HBCU Prize competition and curated support services as well as answer questions from prospective applicants in the Black HBCU Prize track about the application process and eligibility criteria. This discussion will be recorded and posted on the Black Ambition website.
This workshop will provide an overview of the 2022 Black Ambition Prize competition and curated support services as well as answer questions from prospective applicants in the Black Ambition Prize track about the application process and eligibility criteria. This discussion will be recorded and posted on the Black Ambition website.

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